The Five Essentials For Voice Recording At Home | Voices Bazaar

The Five Essentials For Voice Recording At Home | Voices Bazaar

A Microphone While both Dynamic and Condenser microphones have unique pros and cons, dynamic microphones work best for home setups.

Since they tend to be less sensitive to noise, they capture much less ambient noises and reverb.

Tip: While recording, place the mic at least 4-6 inches away for best results.

Go-to Brands: Shure, Audio Technica, AKG, Sennheiser.

P.S: Steer clear of Chinese knockoffs.

Cables and Stands
Both cables are stands are essential to ensure you achieve high-quality recording.

Use good quality cables with noise shielding, as they help minimise electromagnetic radiation and interference.

Use cables with Neutrik Connectors to ensure effective connections.

If you're using a table-mounted boom mic stand, placing it on a wooden table helps isolate the sound better.

Else, a high-quality full-size boom stand works great too.

A Sound Card
A sound card is an interface which converts analog signals from your mic to digital signals for your DAW to process.

Using sound cards tend to improve the quality of your audio, thus they're widely used in the industry.

Go-to Brands: Focusrite, Audient, SSL, Antelope Audio, Universal Audio (Brands with great pre-amps).

Some USB Microphones are equally good and do a great job without a need for a sound card, and are great for recording on-the-go.

Sound Treatment
Treating your room to absorb sound is important to achieve professional-grade audio recording.

Rockwool isolation panels are great for this purpose, as they help absorb majority of the reflected sound helping you achieve almost studio-quality recording.

Alternatively, you can use thick blackout curtains at home or find a place in your room with minimum reflection.

A room that has a lot of furniture and a carpet significantly reduces sound reflection.

DAW For Processing
A DAW (Digital audio workstation) is essential to record and process your audio. e.g: Reaper, Audacity, Protools etc.

Once familiar with your DAW, you can explore processing your audio to make your voice shine.

Processing Pro Tip: Noise Gates are great way to eliminate sounds below a given threshold. A low-cut filter around 100 hz will help you reduce any low-end rumble.

Using AI: Online AI tools do a great job at automatically removing noise, and they're free. Check out -

Written by: Dylin Gomes (

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